Exprese como un logaritmo=1/3 log a(x2-1)-log aY-4logaZ


Respuesta dada por: LOQUITOUPSS
Logarithmic Functions y=logax x=a y (exponential form) Properties of Logarithms 1. loga1=0 because a0 =1 2. logaa=1 because a1 =a 3. logaa x =x and =x Inverse Property 4. If logax=logay then x=y One-to-one Natural Logarithms y=lnx if x=e y Properties of Logarithms 1. ln1=0 because e0 =1 2. lne=1 because e1 =e 3. lnex =x and elnx=x inverse properties 4. If lnx=lny then x=y one-to-one Logarithmic Properties 1. Product—loga(xy)=logax+logay 2. Quotient—loga(x/y)=logax-logay 3. Power—logax y =ylogax Natural Logarithmic Properties 1. Product—ln(xy)=lnx+lny 2. Quotient—ln(x/y)=lnx-lny 3. Power—lnxy =ylnx Change of Base Base b logax=logbx logba Base 10 logax=log10x log10a Base e Logax=lnx lna
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