• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: antina13
  • hace 5 años

aren't firefighters cool?

Answer the questions:

What was the boy doing when the neighbors house caught fire?
Did he want to be a fireman before that day?
Why did he decide to be a fireman in the future?
What qualities does he think are essential for being a fireman?
What can he already see in the newspaper?
Who do you think the newspaper is referring to?
How does the boy think his mother will feel? Do you agree with him?​


aceitunadebotella30: Son preguntas de alguna lectura?


Respuesta dada por: aceitunadebotella30


1. He was playing videogames.

2. No.

3. Because he wants to save people's lives and propetery.

4. He thinks that the qualities that needs a fire man is to be brave and strong.

5. He already see in the newspaper '' Brave fireman rescues a family of four''

6. The newspaper is referring to him saving a family of four.

7. He thinks that his mom is going to be proud of him. Yes i agree with him.

Esas son las respuestas

antina13: muchas gracias
aceitunadebotella30: de nada
Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

A continuación respondemos las preguntas en inglés sobre el texto anexado

Answering the questions

1. What was the boy doing when the neighbor's house caught fire?

  • Answer: He was playing video games.

2. Did he want to be a fireman before that day?

  • Answer: No, he didn't want to be a fireman before that day.

3. Why did he decide to be a fireman in the future?

  • Answer: Because he wants to save people's lives and propererly.

4. What qualities does he think are essential for being a fireman?

  • Answer: He thinks that the qualities that need a fire man is to be brave and strong.

5. What can he already see in the newspaper?

  • Answer: He already sees in the newspaper '' Brave fireman rescues a family of four''

6. Who do you think the newspaper is referring to?

  • Answer: The newspaper is referring to him saving a family of four.

7. How does the boy think his mother will feel? Do you agree with him?

  • Answer: He thinks that his mom is going to be proud of him. Yes, I agree with him.

Se trata de las oraciones que comunican en tiempo presente la acción que estamos haciendo en el momento presente.

Fórmula para construir oraciones:

  • Positivo Do: "Pronombre personal" + "verbo en presente simple" + "complemento".
  • Positivo Does: "Pronombre personal" + "verbo en presente simple en plural" + "complemento".
  • Negativo: "Pronombre personal" + Don't - Doesn't + "verbo en presente" + "complemento".
  • Interrogativo: "Do" o "Does" + "Pronombre personal" + "verbo en presente" + "complemento".

Aprende más sobre el presente simple en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/9994502


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