• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ggnadie999
  • hace 5 años

eligen la correcta
I have an expensive / expensively car.

This food tastes delicious / deliciously.

Tanya plays volleyball good / well.

I need my coat. It’s cold and raining heavy / heavily.

He is a bad / badly person.

British and American people speak English a little different / differently.

The answer is right / rightly.

Please be careful / carefully.

Those are really nice / nicely jeans.

The children are playing happy / happily.

I cook terrible / terribly so I always eat at restaurants.


Respuesta dada por: ssjricardo


1. I have an expensive car

2. This food tastes delicious

3. Tanya plays volleyball well

4. I need my coat. It’s cold and raining heavy

5. He is a bad person

6. British and American people speak English a little different

7. The answer is right

8. Please be careful

9. Those are really nice jeans

10. The children are playing happy

11. I cook terrible so I always eat at restaurants

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