• Asignatura: Salud
  • Autor: dana0987alvarez
  • hace 5 años

He _______________ work at weekends. *

2 puntos

don’t have to

doesn’t have to

You _______________ do the work. *

2 puntos

doesn’t have to

don’t have to

We _______________ go to school today. *

2 puntos

don’t have to

doesn’t have to

Susan _______________ read the washing label. *

2 puntos

don’t have to

doesn’t have to

We _______________ get up early at the weekend. *

2 puntos

doesn’t have to

don’t have to


Respuesta dada por: eluudominguez


1) He doesn't have to work at weekends.

2) You don't have to do the work.

3) Susan doesn't have to

4) We don't have to get up early at the weekend.


He/She/It =doesn't

I/ you/we/they= don't

luissanabria48: hola como estan?
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