• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maxigaray356
  • hace 5 años

ayudenmen es para mañana​



Respuesta dada por: valentinacamacho4815

C) Fill in the blanks using "AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN'T, AREN'T":

1. Germany, England, and Spain aren't cities.

2. A lemon isn't sweet. It is sour.

3. Copper is cheap. Diamonds are expensive.

4. Airplanes aren't slow. They are fast.

5. Ice cream and candy are sweet.

6. Today isn't cloudy. It is bright.

7. My brother isn't married. He is single.

8. I am not from Turkey. I am from Canada.

9. Maths is hard. It isn't easy.

10. Mariah is a beautiful girl. She isn't ugly.

¡Espero haberte ayudado! :)

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