• Asignatura: Inglés
  • hace 5 años

De acuerdo al siguiente texto podemos inferir que es:
-Dear Eli, How are you? I haven’t heard from you in a while. I really want to see you to talk about many things. One of them is that I am about
to leave to England!
Yes, just like you’ve read it!
I am going to pick up my tickets today; I’m supposed to be in the agency by noon. I bought a tour so I am going to visit the most famous
touristic places. I am going to drink English tea, and I am also going to wear very warm clothes because they’ve told me it is very cold in there.
I am not going to buy many souvenirs because I want to travel a lot and I want to save money.
Are you going out somewhere?
Miss you.
A. A letter
B. A email
C. A history
D. A y B son correctas


Respuesta dada por: piliigomxz


D. A y B son correctas

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