• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: brooknella09
  • hace 5 años

me ayudan por favor es para ahorita

escribe la forma correcta del verbo en los espacios a continuación

1) When I was in school, I _____ (to do) my homework everyday.
2) She _______ (to like) chocolate milk when she was a girl.
3) It always _______ (to rain) when we lived in Seattle.
4) Joey and Mike _______ (to be) friends a long time ago.
5) I _______ (to try) to make a snowman last winter.
6) Our favorite game when we were little ______ (to be) chess.
7) It ______ (to be) so sunny yesterday.
8) Jeremy ______ (to want) to go to the beach this summer.
9) Shelby ______ (to save) $100.
10) It ______ (to snow) last December.


Respuesta dada por: valechannil


no se ingles no tengo materia ingles

brooknella09: si no sabes no respondas
Respuesta dada por: botoxheart
1) did
2) liked
3) rained
4) have been
5) tried
6) was
7) was
8) wants
9) saved
10) snowed
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