• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ELTONACHUXd
  • hace 5 años

I. Utiliza Was o Were en los siguientes enunciados.

1. He ______ a businessman.

2. She _______ sick yesterday.

3. He and Mary _________ good students.

4. You ________ very serious.

5. The window _______ closed.

6. The sky ______ cloudy.

7. She _______ hungry after workout.

8. He _______ in his office.

9. The party ______ boring.

10. She _______ eating when I arrived.

II. completa las siguientes oraciones en pasado continuo (ing).

11. He was ____________ (make) the beds.

12. She was ___________(waer) a nice skirt.

13. Tom’s younger brother ___________ (cry).

14. They __________ (sit) on the sofa.

15. Robert ____________ (lie) on the beach.

III. Escribe 5 oraciones en pasado utilizando el verbos regulares e irregulares.

alguien me que ayude?


Respuesta dada por: PabloZT


1. was

2. was

3. were

4. was

5. was

6. was

7. was

8. was

9. was

10. was

11. making

12. wearing

13. crying

14. sitting

15. lying


Espero que te sirva, dame corona pls

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