Happy – Feliz
Glad – Contento
Joyful – Alegre
Interested – Interesado/a
Proud – Orgulloso/a
Powerful – Poderoso/a, influyente
Optimistic – Entusiasta, optimista
Surprised – Sorprendido/a
Startled – Sorprendido/a
Confused – Confundido/a
1Angry, 2Happy,3 Envy, 4Excited, 5Lusty, 6Fancy, 7Fell In Love, 8Crazy, 9Hungry ,10Boring.
1expressing annoyance, animosity, or resentment; enraged,feeling.(2showing, or expressing joy; pleased.(3the desire to have for oneself something possessed by another(4very enthusiastic and eager.(5is a strong craving for sex(6feel a desire or liking for.(7you're suddenly, powerfully attracted to someone(8mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behaviour.(9feeling or showing the need for food.(10not interesting; tedious.