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Aqui esta en español desde la segunda pregunta
Vocabulario. Empareja palabras con el significado correspondiente.
a. Paja________ se desarrollan gradualmente, especialmente de una forma simple a una más compleja.
B. Duerme _____ tallos secos de grano, utilizados especialmente como forraje o como material para
techar, empacar o tejer.
C. Evolucionar _____ con las funciones físicas normales suspendidas o ralentizadas durante un
período de tiempo; en o como en un sueño profundo.
3. Escuche a un extranjero contarle a su familia sobre algunas de las maravillosas características de nuestro país.
4. Complete la siguiente tabla. ¿Qué dice la visitante que aprendió sobre el
siguiendo las atracciones ecuatorianas? Usa tus propias palabras. Escribe en tu cuaderno.
Sombrero de panamá
Volcán Chimborazo
himborazo + volcán
Islas Galápagos
islas + alapagos
5. Discuta uno de los tres puntos anteriores con su familia.
2. Vocabulary. Match words and pictures with the corresponding meaning.
a. Straw __C__ develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
b. Dormant __A__ dried stalks of grain, used especially as fodder or as material for thatching, packing, or weaving.
c. Evolve __B__ having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep
En este Proyecto 4, semana 3 de bachillerato de Ingles, vamos a exponer el tema: ¿What are some interesting tourist attractions in Ecuador?
1- Answer this question with your teacher, classmates or family.
a) What are some interesting attractions for tourists in Ecuador?
b) Make a list of some wonders of Ecuador related to history, science, and technology.
- History: Indigenous communities, Ingapirca, Shamanism, Historic downtown.
- Science: Research, Conservation, Coriolis effect, Endemic species.
- Technology: Virtual tourism, planetarium, Tics y turism, Use of technology.
2- Can these wonders attract tourists to our country as well?
Yes, they can because Ecuador has a large variety of touristic places for all kind of tourists.
3- Vocabulary. Match words with the corresponding meaning.
a) Straw: dried stalks of grain, used especially as fodder or as material for thatching, packing, or weaving. B
b) Dormant: having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep. C
c) Evolve: develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form. A
4- Listen to a foreigner telling their family about some wonderful features of our country.
- Panama Hat.
- Chimborazo Volcano.
- Galapagos Islands.
5- Discuss one of the three above items with your family.
It is said that back in 1835, people in Montecristi, Manabi sent boxes of hats to Manta and Guayaquil to be exported to Panama. The time coincided with the California Gold Rush (1848-1855), which made the hat famous because of the abundant sun on the west coast of the United States. They became so popular in the ports of Panama that the name was quickly linked to that location. During the construction of the Panama Canal, Theodore Roosevelt, who was the president of United States at that time, wore those kinds of hats and contributed to their increasing popularity. Many workers also wore them. It is said that many passengers who were passing through the canal also made the hats famous. They became really valued around the world. Edward VII of England ordered a hat for himself and paid a lot of money for it. In 1985, the hat was selected as one of the 100 best designs ever by the Conrad Foundation in England. Also, in 2017, the UNESCO declared toquilla hats as part of the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Para saber más:
brainly.lat/tarea/31273692 (2)