• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fliaromerospino
  • hace 5 años

ayuda por favor
y si no saben no contesten por que reporto la respuesta:)!

es para hoy ayuda por fis ​

doy coronita:))



Respuesta dada por: ava59

Tina: what is ed going to do?

Ann: He is going to make the guest list

Tina: Ok, good, are you going to send the invitations tomorrow?

Ann: yes, i am going to (este esta confundido)

Tina: And what about the gift? Am I going to buy it?

Ann: No, Ed and i are going to buy the gift on Friday.

Tina: Ok when are you and I going to decorate the room?

Ann: We can do it on Saturday afternoon

Tina: Good! And are John and Ben going to make the food?

Ann: Yes, Liz is going to and help

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