• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elenajazminlujanvill
  • hace 5 años

Put in am, is or are in the sentences below
a. we ........... scared
b. he ............ in the garden
c. i .......... drawing shapes
d. they .......... riding their bikes
e. she ......... a nurse
f. you ........... a smart boy
g. i ......... sleepy
h. the girls ........... hungry
i. tom and i ........... scientist
j. it ........ sad
si me ayudan doy 5 extrellas, doy corazon, coronita y los sigo


Respuesta dada por: LunaGarzon


a. we ARE scared.

b. he IS in the garden.

c. i AM drawing shapes.

d. they ARE riding their bikes.

e. she IS a nurse.

f. you ARE a smart boy.

g. i AM sleepy.

h. the girls ARE hungry.

i. tom and i ARE scientist.

j. it IS sad.


i va con AM

you (singular) va con ARE

he, she and it van con IS

you (plural), they and we van con ARE.

elenajazminlujanvill: graciass
lomartinez2020: muchas gracias
Respuesta dada por: kimby35


yo saqué 10 en ese trabajo espero ayudarte ☺️

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