• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juanjime722
  • hace 5 años

necesito ayuda con este punto gracias

simple past/ simple present/ will-future

1. Fill in the missing form in the correct tense. Watch out for signal words.
a) Walter ___________________ (go) to school last week.
b) Why ________ you always ___________________ (sleep) in front of the TV?
c) What ________ you ___________________ (do) next year?
d) We ___________________ (not/celebrate) our anniversary in 2050.
e) Tom ___________________ (stay) at home on Mondays.
f) Where __________ you often ___________________ (sit)?
g) How much money _________ your father ___________________ (earn) every month?
h) Yesterday we ___________________ (not/watch) birds.
i) Where ___________________ (be) you two days ago?
j) Who __________________ (stand) behind the curtains last night?
k) They rarely ____________________ (buy) some milk in the supermarket.
l) When ____________ you ___________________ (meet) your best friend the last time?
m) My classmate always ___________________ (read) books.
n) What _________ you __________________(think), if your brother _______________ (steal)
your money?
o) Why ____________ (be) you here now?
p) I _____________________ (not/hear) you because I was listening to music.
q) We ____________________ (clean) your apartment after you had had a party there.
r) Last night we _________________________ (cannot/stand) the smoke.
s) Why _________ you always __________________ (talk) about me?
t) If you ________________ (leave), I ___________________ (miss) you.
u) ______________________ (not /eat) during lessons.
v) My sister __________________________ (water) the plants every day.
w) Last Christmas I _________________ (not / get) any presents.
x) In the evenings my parents ______________________ (not/play) cards.
y) ________ I __________ (know) you? I haven’t met you before.
z) Please, __________________ (help) me.


Respuesta dada por: moter62562

a. went (last week)

b. do/ sleep (es un habito, por el always)

c. will/ do (next week)

d. will not celebrate (in 2050)

e. stay (on mondays, un habito)

f. do/sit (habito, often)

g. do/ earn (habito, every month)

h. didn't watch (yesterday)

i. were (two days ago)

j. was/standing (last night)

k. buy (habito, rarely)

l. did/ meet (last time)

m. read (habito, always)

n. will/ think/steal (condicional)

Hay te dejo algunas (ya me aburri xD) (PD: yo creo que las tengo bien, pero de todos modos un error o dos no creo q sea peor q no tenerlo )

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