• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ubi2511
  • hace 5 años

10 oraciones con el Verbo Would x favor ayudemen


Respuesta dada por: eyre0708


  1. I would like to play tennis on Sundays

If you come with that mask, John would start crying

Paul and Max would always choose the most exotic vacation destinations

He promised he would send cards every week

I would never go to that city

Would you turn off the lights when you leave?

They say they would help you, they will do.

Would you like broccoli for a side order?

If I had found his wallet, he would have paid for the salad

As a child, she would always miss school

If I were you, I would break up with her at this moment

The president would present his resignation this night

If we had won the lottery, we would have traveled around the world

Would this work be finished by 4:00 PM?

Would you mind opening the window? It´s really hot here…

If I had time, I would study French

I would like to become a doctor

They wouldn´t have accepted the gift if they had been told about this affair

If he was the president, he would not raise taxes

They would have gone to the theatre if it hadn’t been rainy



Respuesta dada por: puzze


1. I would have bought it if I was you. (Si yo fuera tú, lo habría comprado).

2. Would you length me your computer please? (¿Podrías prestarme tu computadora por favor?).

3. I wish I would have gone to England when I had the chance. (Desearía haber ido a Inglaterra cuando tuve la oportunidad).

4. They would listen to you if you bring good arguments. (Ellos te van a escuchar si llevas buenos argumentos).

5. She wouldn’t do what you did because she doesn’t agree. (Ella no habría hecho lo que tú porque no está de acuerdo).

6. It wouldn’t be such a pretty garden, if you didn’t take as much care of it as you do. (No sería un jardín tan bonito, si no cuidaras tanto de él como lo haces).

7. Would you like to prepare something special for her? (¿Podrías preparar algo especial para ella?).

8. She would never do something she doesn’t want to. (Ella nunca haría algo que no quiere).

9. Maybe I would have done things in a different way, but you did a great job. (Tal vez yo habría hecho las cosas de diferente manera, pero hiciste un excelente trabajo).

10. I would pick Johnny to play in my team; he’s such a good player. (Yo elegiré a Johnny para que juegue en mi equipo, es un muy buen jugador).

Espero que te sirva :v


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