what are some interesting facts you already know about ecuador related to history, technology, sport and art
1. Ecuador is on the list of countries with the highest number of volcanoes on the planet.
2. Quito is the highest capital in the world
1. Technology has advanced over the years
2. Thanks to her we have a better quality of life
1. In Ecuador the sport is not very recognized but the cyclist Richard Carapaz has made the equator go high
1. The art of the Ecuador has a lot to do with the cultures of our ancestors
I hope to help you.
Some curious facts about Educator are:
- History
Indigenous communities are currently being conserved and cared for as cultural heritage
- Tecnhology:
Internet access is one of the state's priorities since it is widely used in education
- Sport:
The most important sport for ecuador is soccer
- Art:
There is an enormous cultural wealth on the part of the indigenous communities, they possess diverse pieces of ceramics, sculptures, and paintings.
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