• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: caamy01
  • hace 5 años

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. When Brad Parks 1. ________________ (be) a teenager, he practised different sports. His favourite one was acrobatic skiing. He was a great athlete, but one day in 1976, he 2. ______________________ (take) a warm up jump in a local competition, when he 3. ___________________________ (have) an accident. The accident 4. ______________ (leave) him a paraplegic. His parents 5. _______________ (watch) him when this happened! They 6. __________________ (can /not) believe it! He has been on a wheelchair since then. “It was very hard at the beginning. I wanted to stay at home all day long because I 7. _________________ (feel) quite depressed. But then I understood I had a life to live and I 8. ______________________ (not- want) to miss it.” He liked sports so much that he 9. ___________________ (start) thinking what sports he could play as a wheelchair user. One day he 10. ________________ (watch) TV when he 11._________________ (see) a boy like him playing tennis. The following day he decided to take up tennis. However, he 12. _________________ (notice) he needed a special wheelchair. He built a wheelchair especially modified to play tennis and started training hard. Brad Parks 13. _____________ very popular, and wheelchair tennis became an official sport. At present, Brad is a very busy person. He 14. ______________________ (notparticipate) in any competitions but he 15. __________________ (travel) all over the world to tell people about the experience.
porfavorrrr, doy coronaaaaaaa


Respuesta dada por: soledadpertile90


1 was

2 took

4 left

5 wotch watched



8doesn't want





15trovel traveled

espero te ayude algunas no la sabia


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