1. What rooms are there in the house?
A: Living room, bathroom, bedroom, penthouse, kitchen.
2. How many people are in the house?
A: There are 10 people in the house.
3. What instrument does the girl play?
A: The girl is playing the guitar.
4. Who is ringing the doorbell?
A: The mail woman is ringing the doorbell.
5. what household appliance is in the toilet?
A: In the bathroom is a washing machine.
6. Are there any pets? Which?
A: Yes, there is one parrot, one cat and one dog.
7. What's the boy doing upstairs?
A: The boy is using the vacuum cleaner.
8. Is he alone in the room?
A: No, he's with dad.
9. Who is in the staircase?
A: On the stair there is a boy waving.
10. What is next to the sink in the kitchen?
A: Next to the sink is the garbage can.
11. What is the man wearing on the last floor?
A: The man carries a drill.
12. What is going on on the roof?
A: There is a cat hunting pigeons.
13. Where is the blue chandelier?
A: The chandelier is in the living room.
14. Where is the phone?
A: The phone is on the table.
15. Which is the house number?
A: The house number is 23.
16. What time is in the toilet?
A: On the clock it's 4 o'clock.
17. What color are the walls in the living room?
A: They are yellow.