• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: francolozanoisbelval
  • hace 5 años

Order the zero conditional sentences.

por favor ayúdenme que lo tengo que entregar antes de las 12 ,​



Respuesta dada por: alexandra8845


1. I go to bed early the next day I feel good

2. Jenny have a party lot of people will come

3. She go shopping,she buy expensive clothes

4. my daughter passed her exam she worked hard

5. David drinks milk, he's being sick

Respuesta dada por: marticyp05


1) If I go to bed early, I feel good the next day.

2) If Jenny has a party, lots of people will have come. (en esta no estoy muy segura de que sea asi).

3) If she goes shopping, she buys expensive clothes.

4) If my daughter works hard, she passes her exams.

5) David gets sick if he drinks milk.

Explicación: Zero conditional: if/when (si/cuando)+present simple (simple)+present simple (presente simple) para verdades generales o coincidencias de una accion o situacion.

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