• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: agzabala83
  • hace 5 años

B. Escriba preguntas usando las palabras siguientes:
1. Sami / got / a smartphone?
2. she / from Italy? __________________________________
3. he / got / green eyes? __________________________________
4. you / eighteen? __________________________________
5. it cold / today? __________________________________
C. Completa el texto con a, an, some o the:
On my desk I’ve got ___________ pens, ___________ calculator and ___________ exercise book. ___________ exercise book is old and ___________ calculator is broken.


Respuesta dada por: milagrosjuanma


1. Has Sam got a smartphone?

2. Is she from Italy?

3. Has he got green eyes?

4. Are you eighteen?

5. Is it cold today?


1. Some

2. A

3. An

4. The

5. The

Respuesta dada por: rgvale3


B. Escriba preguntas usando las palabras siguientes:

1. Sami / got / a smartphone?

Does Sami got a smartphone?

2. she / from Italy?

Does she's from Italy?

3. he / got / green eyes?

Does he got green eyes?

4. you / eighteen?

Do you are eighteen?

5. it cold / today?

Does it's cold today?

C. Completa el texto con a, an, some o the:

On my desk I’ve got some pens, a calculator and an exercise book. The exercise book is old and the calculator is broken.

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