• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maitecaracoche04
  • hace 5 años

como era la salud en el siglo II?​


Respuesta dada por: brionesvasquezmariel

Science and production of scientific knowledge are changing, which shows that the identity crisis of the contemporary science is a crisis in development from which a new mode of production of knowledge and technology emerges. The new knowledge is a tendency towards overcoming barriers among disciplines and setting up the picture of a new world that recognizes intrinsic diversity and complexity. The complexity thought does not deny the development reached by the simplifying thinking that prevail in sciences. The mankind faces at present the consequences of man-caused damage, and the resulting emergence and re-emergence of problems affecting the whole world, as a result of chaotic movements where order/disorder, normality/pathology; endemics/pandemics/epidemics coexist; new bacterial and viral pathogenic species emerge due to environmental changes; instability, poverty, depletion of natural resources and fear to dissapearance of the species and the planet as such are on the rise. In Cuba, the Complexity Chair of the Philosophy Institute of the Academy of Sciences has made the thought of complexity known whereas in the field of healthcare, different groups are working on this issue throughout the country. This paper intends that readers make reflections on the new way of thinking offered by these novel theories, which are really useful for studying any health problem that may have an impact on the today's world population.

Key words: Theory of complexity, science and complexity, complexity and health.

en español:

La ciencia y la producción de saber científico están cambiando y esto muestra que la crisis de identidad de la ciencia contemporánea es una crisis de crecimiento de la que está surgiendo un modo nuevo de producción de conocimiento y tecnología. El nuevo saber es una tendencia hacia la superación de las barreras disciplinarias y el establecimiento de un cuadro del mundo nuevo, que reconozca su diversidad y complejidad intrínsecas. El pensamiento de la complejidad no niega el desarrollo alcanzado por el pensamiento simplificador prevalente en las ciencias. La humanidad se enfrenta actualmente a las consecuencias del daño a la naturaleza ocasionado por el hombre y el consecuente emerger y reemerger de problemas que afectan al mundo entero, como resultado de movimientos caóticos donde coexisten a la vez el orden/desorden, lo normal/lo patológico, endemia/pandemia/epidemia; emergen nuevas especies de patógenos bacterianos y virales como consecuencia de cambios ecológicos del medio ambiente, se incrementa la inestabilidad, la pobreza, el agotamiento de recursos naturales y el temor a desaparecer como especie y como planeta. En Cuba, el pensamiento de la complejidad, se ha dado a conocer desde la cátedra de la Complejidad del Instituto de Filosofía de la Academia de Ciencias; desde la salud, trabajan diferentes grupos a lo largo y ancho del país. Se pretende llevar a los lectores a reflexionar en la nueva forma de pensar que brindan estas nuevas teorías, útil para el estudio de cualquier problema de salud que afecte a los seres humanos en el mundo de hoy.

Palabras clave: Teoría de la complejidad, ciencia y complejidad, complejidad y salud.

Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


The purpose of this article is to describe the historical evolution of international health in the 20th century, the use that has been given to this concept, and the successes, failures, and perspectives of this area of ​​public health. The authors emphasize the development of institutional international health, particularly in the American continent.

THE OBJECTIVES And the roles of international health have changed over time. Initially, international health activities were very restricted and were directly related to the religious, political and economic interests of the colonial powers. However, as the 20th century progressed, international agencies broadened their objectives, acquired a certain level of independence, and developed their own agenda. After the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), certain agreements were reached regarding how to address some of the health problems of the populations of all continents. In the last decade, however, opposing views have emerged as to how to meet the health demands of underdeveloped countries, and the possibilities of agreement on the goals and strategies of international health agencies seem, for the moment, , limited.

I hope it helps you! =3

Anónimo: coronita? te resumi =3
Anónimo: GRACIAS! =D
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