• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Marisa25
  • hace 9 años

Necesito ayuda con unas frases en inglés que no se utilizar los condicionales. necesito que me ayuden a resolverlas porfavor!
dejo las oraciones que no he sabido hacer... es muy importante porfavor!!

Yesterday I met a beautiful girl. Her father was born in Jamaica
Yesterday I met...........

We paid the rent because my sister lent us some money

Someone must write the letter
The letter....

Smoking is not allowed in restaurants nowadays.

The inspector arrested the thief yesterday ninght.
The thief....

I am not rich. That is why I don´t have a Porsche.

He i looking for a book. It is under the desk.
The book....

You don´t have to get up early on saturdays.

I started working with computers ten years ago.

He probably lot his wallet at the airport.

" I lost the money two days ago", my father told the police.
My father told the Police............

Driving fast in town was a stupid thing to do.

My room is beging painted at the moment.

If he doesn´t work harder, he will lose his job.

She can´t come to the party! What a shame!
I wish.........

Call me tomorrow, she said.
She told............


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tienes que poner algo como avreviado
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