te digo uno no se si está bien
WENT (go) vervo irregular en pasado
i went to the home with my friend
espero haberte ayudado un poco
1 Sing/ She sings so good (Cantar)
2 Tell/ I tell him a story (Contar)
3 Drink/ We drink soda (Beber)
4 Swim/ They swim at the pool (Nadar)
5 Run/ He runs very fast (Correr)
6 Take/ I take piano lessons (Tomar)
7 Begin/ You begin your homework (Empezar)
8 Bring/ The teacher brings chips (Traer)
9 Catch/ She catch the ball (Atrapar)
10 Cut/ He cuts his hair (Cortar)
11 Draw/ I draw a shark (Dibujar)
12 Drive/ My mom drives very well (Manejar)
13 Find/ They find their phones (Encontrar)
14 Bite/ He bite my apple (Morder)
15 Buy/ I buy a lot of things (Comprar)
EXTRA: Eat/ You eat so much (Comer)
Espero haberte ayudado :)