• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ddavidgger
  • hace 5 años



a. They _______ caricatures for a newspaper for twelve years. = _______________________________________
A. have draw
B. has drawn
C. have drawn

b. She _________ on the cell phone for one hour. = __________________________________________________
A. has talked
B. have talked
C. has talk


d. My friends _________ come to my house since the pandemic began. = _________________________________
A. not have come
B. has not come
C. have not come

e. Some students _________ any Homework Guide. = ________________________________________________
A. have not deliver
B. have not delivered
C. not have delivered

f. I ___________ bought new clothes since January. = ________________________________________________
A. Have not bought
B. has not bought
C. not have bought

c. We _________ the birds, monkeys and fish in a zoo since 1990. = _____________________________________
A. have feed
B. have fed
C. has fed


g. ______________ to San Agustin Archaeological Park? _______________________________
A. They have gone
B. Have they go
C. Have they gone

h. ______________ lobster? = ____________________________________________________
A. You have eaten
B. Have you eat?
C. Have you eaten?

i. _________________ a tennis championship? _______________________________________
A. She has win
B. Has she won
C. Have she won

3. Translate into English the sentences below. (Traduzca al inglés las siguientes oraciones).
j. Mi tío ha construido muchas casas en este pueblo. = ______________________________________________

k. Yo no he dormido bien durante una semana. = ___________________________________________________

l. ¿Usted ha mirado la película “El rey león”? = ____________________________________________________


ddavidgger: tanbien pueden responder aqui
ddavidgger: https://brainly.lat/tarea/29637881
ddavidgger: porfa gracias
ddavidgger: bueno pues copien todo esto y busquenlo y me podrian ayudar mucho copien toda la tarea


Respuesta dada por: Orianajeje



a. have drawn

b. has talked


d. have not come

e. have not delivered

f. have not bought

c. have fed


g. have they gone

h. have you eaten

i. has she won


j. my aunt has built so much houses in this town

k. I haven´t slept well for a week

l. Have you seen the film "El rey león"?

Espero q te sirvaaa :3

davidger26otnypl: muchas gracias
davidger26otnypl: :3
Orianajeje: de nadaaa
Orianajeje: no merezco q me des coronita?? :)
ddavidgger: ya solo que me asuste no podía ver tu respuesta y no podía iniciar sesión :")
ddavidgger: si quieres mete al perfil de arriba y buscas esta misma respuesta que hay esta y la respondes de paso copia y pegas
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