hola me pueden ayudar con una tarea de 10 adibinansaz en ingles
Adivinanza del fuego (fire)
You feed it, it lives,
you give it something to drink,
it dies.
Adivinanza del padre (father)
I am you uncle´s brother,
but I am not your uncle.
Adivinanza del pelo (hair)
It is on your head
and under your hat.
What is it?
Adivinanza del sol (sun)
It is round and yellow,
it is like a ball of fire,
it rises in the east,
it sets in the west.
What is it?
Adivinanza del huevo (egg)
A box without hinges, key or lid.
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
Adivinanza del reloj (clock)
My hands are black,
My face is pale.
My head is hanging on a nail.
What am I?
Adivinanza del tiempo (time)
I can fly but I haven’t got wings.
What am I?
Adivinanza de la lluvia (rain)
I always come down,
But never go up.
What am I?
Adivinanza del dedo (finger)
Tall and thin,
Red within,
Nail on top,
And there it stops.
What is it?
Adivinanza de la conjunción y (and)
I am between mountain and valley.
I’m your uncle’s brother,
But I’m not your uncle.
What am I?
Your father
Soy un hermano de tu tío,
Pero no soy tu tío.
¿Quién soy?
Tu padre
I am between mountain and valley.
What am I?
The word “and”
Estoy entre montañas y valles.
¿Qué soy?
La palabra “y”
You can see nothing else
When you look in my face
I will look you in the eye
And I will never lie.
The mirror
No puedes ver nada más
cuando me miras a la cara
te miraré a los ojos
y nunca mentiré
El espejo
Until I am not measured I am not known. Yet, how you miss me when I have flown. Who am I?
The time
Hasta que no me mides no me conoces. Sin embargo, cómo me echas de menos cuando me he marchado. ¿Quién soy?
El tiempo
Which letter is a part of the body?
The letter “I”
¿Qué letra es una parte del cuerpo?
La letra I (ojos).
Espero que te sirva ¡saludos¡ chau
Respuesta: mi favorita:
The little birds are sad when the sky is cloudy, the same thing happens to me when I'm not by your side❤️❤️♥️♥️