realizaras una receta de cómo preparar
agua de limón re cuerda tu receta estará divida en ingredientes y procedimiento,
en el procedimiento usaran las palabras de secuencia que son first,
secon, then, after, finally.
También usaran la forma imperativa de los verbos recuerden que solo es el verbo
y el complemento ejemplo
First cut the lemons
Mínimo 6 pasos la receta tiene que ir en inglés.
(Si no saben como porfa no contesten o reportó)
A Lemon
One cup of water
2 spoons of sugar
First you start taking a cup of water, second cut the lemon in half then squeeze the lemon into the cup. After that add the 2 spoons of sugar into the cup. Finally mix all the ingredients with a spoon and you have your lemonade.
Respuesta:You will make a recipe on how to prepare
Lemon water remember your recipe will be divided into ingredients and procedure,
in the procedure they will use the sequence words that are first,
secon, then, after, finally.
They will also use the imperative form of verbs remember that it is only the verb
and the example plugin
First cut the lemons
At least 6 steps, the recipe must be in English.
(If you do not know how please do not answer or report)