where did perseus live
write the modern characters about personal legend
who helped him
what elements did need to fulfill his mission
write the conflict that happened in this story
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Perseus was the son of Zeus and the mortal Danae. It was one of the heroic demigods of Greek mythology with Heracles and Theseus, carrying out numerous supernatural tasks.
Acrisius, king of Argos and father of Danae, had locked her in a tower of bronze to prevent her conceive a child because an oracle had assured him that his grandson would kill him. Zeus, who wished to Danae, refused to let this punishment as well. He visited Danae in a shower of gold, which was born Perseus (see Danae). Acrisio, surprised, locked the mother and child in a box and threw them into the sea, but thanks to the protection of Zeus, the cash safe to the island of Serifos, where Danae and her son were welcomed by King Dictis , brother of king Polidectes of Sérifos. Perseus grew up with his mother and the king, but Polidectes fell in love with Danae and decided to get rid of the boy, who already took care of her mother. That is why he commissioned to bring him the head of Medusa, something impossible given the appearance of the monster, which turned into stone who dared look (see Gorgons, Las).
Fortunately, Perseus had the help of Athena, who was feuding with Medusa because of the relationship he had with Poseidon which perhaps had raped a sanctuary dedicated to Athena. The goddess gave Perseus a bronze mirror as reflecting burnished everything he saw and told what he had to do. First you should visit the Gorgons, three sisters who lived in North Africa -two according to some accounts, and they were witches who shared one eye. Perseus stole the eye and forced them to show you the way to get to Medusa, which agreed to change the eye, which finally into the water so they could not warn anyone of his intentions. Nymphs gave Perseus a helmet that made him invisible, a pair of winged sandals and a bag in which to put the head of Medusa when'd caught. Hermes gave him a magic sword.
With the help of all gifts, Perseus flew to the home of the other Gorgons by the ocean. The three sisters had fallen asleep and Perseus went before them carefully, without losing sight of Medusa using his shield as a mirror to avoid having to look directly and thereby prevent it convertiera in stone. So he cut off his head full of snakes monster with the sword of Hermes and put it in the bag. The blood of Medusa originated the monster Crisaor and the winged horse Pegasus (see Bellerophon).
According to Ovid, the first meeting that took Perseus on his return was the titan Atlas, who presented himself as the son of Zeus. Perseus was not well received because an oracle had told Atlas that a son of Zeus would steal the apples from the garden of the Hesperides. When the giant adopted a threatening posture, the hero showed him the head of Medusa and turned it into stone, becoming well be the mountain range known by that name (see Atlas). Perseus continued his journey westward across Africa, and came to Ethiopia, where he saw a pretty girl chained to a rock by the sea. It was Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus, which was about to be sacrificed to a sea monster as a conciliatory act by the arrogant words of his mother Cassiopeia (see Andromeda). Perseus saw appear the terrible monster of the deep sea to devour Andromeda and told his desperate parents who save her if they promised to make her his wife. Cepheus and Cassiopeia immediately accepted and even offered him the kingdom as dowry. As if it were a bird, Perseus swooped over the beast and plunged his sword. His winged sandals allowed him to flee immediately attack the monster, who died shortly after being crossed.
Wedding Perseus and Andromeda was not as happy as they wanted. Cepheus Andromeda had already promised his brother Phineus, who was not satisfied with the explanations of the king. With a large number of followers, Phineus appeared in the celebration, turning it into a bloodbath in which there were numerous victims and Perseus had to use the head of Medusa, deadlier his weapon. In this way they were turned to stone Phineus and all his followers.
Years later, when Andromeda had given him a son Perseus, the couple traveled to Sérifos, arriving in time to rescue his mother and Dictis hands of Polidectes when they had taken refuge in a sanctuary. Polidectes not want to believe that Perseus had returned with the head of Medusa and treated with contempt hero. Perseus showed him the head of the creature and Polidectes became stone cold.
Perseus turned Dictis king of Sérifos and continued his journey to Argos, which was the kingdom of his grandfather. Acriso, recalling the prediction in the sense that he would die at the hands of his grandson, he feared that his end was near and fled to Tesalea, but could not escape his fate. Perseus pursued him there and both found themselves competing in local games in honor of the king. During one test, an album released by Perseus fell on the head of Acriso and killed him.
Acrisius, king of Argos and father of Danae, had locked her in a tower of bronze to prevent her conceive a child because an oracle had assured him that his grandson would kill him. Zeus, who wished to Danae, refused to let this punishment as well. He visited Danae in a shower of gold, which was born Perseus (see Danae). Acrisio, surprised, locked the mother and child in a box and threw them into the sea, but thanks to the protection of Zeus, the cash safe to the island of Serifos, where Danae and her son were welcomed by King Dictis , brother of king Polidectes of Sérifos. Perseus grew up with his mother and the king, but Polidectes fell in love with Danae and decided to get rid of the boy, who already took care of her mother. That is why he commissioned to bring him the head of Medusa, something impossible given the appearance of the monster, which turned into stone who dared look (see Gorgons, Las).
Fortunately, Perseus had the help of Athena, who was feuding with Medusa because of the relationship he had with Poseidon which perhaps had raped a sanctuary dedicated to Athena. The goddess gave Perseus a bronze mirror as reflecting burnished everything he saw and told what he had to do. First you should visit the Gorgons, three sisters who lived in North Africa -two according to some accounts, and they were witches who shared one eye. Perseus stole the eye and forced them to show you the way to get to Medusa, which agreed to change the eye, which finally into the water so they could not warn anyone of his intentions. Nymphs gave Perseus a helmet that made him invisible, a pair of winged sandals and a bag in which to put the head of Medusa when'd caught. Hermes gave him a magic sword.
With the help of all gifts, Perseus flew to the home of the other Gorgons by the ocean. The three sisters had fallen asleep and Perseus went before them carefully, without losing sight of Medusa using his shield as a mirror to avoid having to look directly and thereby prevent it convertiera in stone. So he cut off his head full of snakes monster with the sword of Hermes and put it in the bag. The blood of Medusa originated the monster Crisaor and the winged horse Pegasus (see Bellerophon).
According to Ovid, the first meeting that took Perseus on his return was the titan Atlas, who presented himself as the son of Zeus. Perseus was not well received because an oracle had told Atlas that a son of Zeus would steal the apples from the garden of the Hesperides. When the giant adopted a threatening posture, the hero showed him the head of Medusa and turned it into stone, becoming well be the mountain range known by that name (see Atlas). Perseus continued his journey westward across Africa, and came to Ethiopia, where he saw a pretty girl chained to a rock by the sea. It was Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus, which was about to be sacrificed to a sea monster as a conciliatory act by the arrogant words of his mother Cassiopeia (see Andromeda). Perseus saw appear the terrible monster of the deep sea to devour Andromeda and told his desperate parents who save her if they promised to make her his wife. Cepheus and Cassiopeia immediately accepted and even offered him the kingdom as dowry. As if it were a bird, Perseus swooped over the beast and plunged his sword. His winged sandals allowed him to flee immediately attack the monster, who died shortly after being crossed.
Wedding Perseus and Andromeda was not as happy as they wanted. Cepheus Andromeda had already promised his brother Phineus, who was not satisfied with the explanations of the king. With a large number of followers, Phineus appeared in the celebration, turning it into a bloodbath in which there were numerous victims and Perseus had to use the head of Medusa, deadlier his weapon. In this way they were turned to stone Phineus and all his followers.
Years later, when Andromeda had given him a son Perseus, the couple traveled to Sérifos, arriving in time to rescue his mother and Dictis hands of Polidectes when they had taken refuge in a sanctuary. Polidectes not want to believe that Perseus had returned with the head of Medusa and treated with contempt hero. Perseus showed him the head of the creature and Polidectes became stone cold.
Perseus turned Dictis king of Sérifos and continued his journey to Argos, which was the kingdom of his grandfather. Acriso, recalling the prediction in the sense that he would die at the hands of his grandson, he feared that his end was near and fled to Tesalea, but could not escape his fate. Perseus pursued him there and both found themselves competing in local games in honor of the king. During one test, an album released by Perseus fell on the head of Acriso and killed him.
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