• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Yamileth1245
  • hace 9 años

Oración Question sentences present Continuous? (5)


Respuesta dada por: dimitrimdlv
1. Are you coming to the party tonight?

2. Is that going to be my only food for today?

3. Are They running just because of this little dog?

4. Is this guy actually going to become an important artist?

5. Are you going to stop the noise for not?

Ojala te sirva de ayuda.

dimitrimdlv: Es para mi un placer
dimitrimdlv: ah disculpa. en la ultima es or not. es culpa del autocorrect. Lo siento
Yamileth1245: Ya corregí Gracias
Yamileth1245: Por favor necesito un párrafo con present Continue y Present
Empieza asi : Tn Sunny day i am in the park
dimitrimdlv: Tn Sunny day? quieres decir On sunday? o This sunny day?
dimitrimdlv: Ok, anyway. Aquí va: ...I am in the park "catching" moments withmy camera, like fishing colors and expressions. I have sung a couple of songs so far. Got a few interesting things already. Like those kids that are swinging over there, or that little girl, who is planting some seeds behind me. I really liked that one. I tried to take the picture of those birda that are flying to the east,
dimitrimdlv: but they are too far by now, so... well, I can notice now that these kids have grown up like a couple of inches since last week. Ok, maybe I exagerated a little bit but they have noticeably grown since last time. Yaaaawwwnnnn... Oh, God, I think I'm hungry now, I guess it's time to go home.
dimitrimdlv: Disculpa que no te haya contestado antes, es que ya no tenía conexion a internet en el celular. ahí está el parrafo con los verbos en continuo algunos y los otros en presente perfecto que creo que es lo que pediste. De todas formas, avisame si hay algo mal o si necesitas alguna otra
dimitrimdlv: cosa
Yamileth1245: Enserio mil gracias
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