• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jhonangel2709
  • hace 5 años

2. Escoge la respuesta correcta

1. Dawn is ___ __ person in his family.
a. taller
b. tallest
c. the tallest
d. more taller
2. All of your friends are nice. But George is ___________.
a. the nicer
b. the nicest
c. nicest
d. more nice
3. Which one is wrong? (¿Cuál es la respuesta incorrecta?)
a. good - the best
b. bad - the baddest
4. This is the ___________ tennis court in this town.
a. bigger
b. more big
c. bigger than
d. biggest
5. Tuesday is ____________ day of the week in my job.
a. busier
b. more busy
c. busier than
d. the busiest
6. The Nile is ___________ river in Africa.
a. the longer
b. longer than
c. the longest
d. longest
7. Jonathan is _____________ person in the office.
a. more intelligent
b. the most intelligent
c. intelligent than
d. more intelligent than


Respuesta dada por: fatima959


1) more taller

2) more nice

3) b


5)busier than


7) the most intelligent

Respuesta dada por: gemimg


c, c, b, d, a, c, b


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