• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: trianafa2006
  • hace 5 años

Use the Past Simple
Paul McCartney... (perform) at the 2012 London Olympics. He... ( not ask) for much money for his performance. How much money... he... (receive)? Only £1


Respuesta dada por: mastereddx


Use the Past Simple

Paul McCartney... (perform) at the 2012 London Olympics. He... ( not ask) for much money for his performance. How much money... he... (receive)? Only £1

Paul MaCartney performed at the 2012 London Olympics. He didn´t ask for much money  for his performance . How much money did he receive?

Only  £1 ,



trianafa2006: Pero ayudameeee
trianafa2006: Ahhh gracias q no lo habia visto
mastereddx: Para servirte!
trianafa2006: Muchas gracias
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