• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yamilapety
  • hace 5 años

a Put the word or phrase in the right place in the question
How old are you? (old)
1 Where do you from? (come)
2 Where the train station? (is)
3 How often you read magazines?-(do)
4 Where your friends from? (are)
-5-Why you write to me? didn't
6 Do you often to the cinema? (go)
7 What this word mean? (does)
8 What time did arrive? (your friends)
9 Does finish at 8.00? (the class)
10 Where were born? (you)​


Respuesta dada por: amevda2207

1. Where do you come from? (¿de dónde vienes?)

2. Where is the train station? (¿dónde está la estación de tren?)

3. How often do you read magazines? (¿con qué frecuencia lees revistas?)

4. Where are your friends from? (¿de dónde son tus amigos?)

5. Why didn't you write me? ( ¿por qué no me escribiste?)

6. Do you often go to the cinema? ( ¿vas al cine con frecuencia?)

7. What does this word mean? (¿qué significa esta palabra?)

8. What time did your friends arrive? (¿a qué hora llegaron tus amigos?)

9. Does finish the class at 8.00? ( ¿termina la clase a las 8?)

10. Where were you born? ( ¿dónde naciste?)

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