Rewrite the story using who, which, that, where or and.
I was sitting in a café. I often go there for a drink after work. I called the waiter. I know him quite well. I asked for a cup of coffee. While I was waiting I looked at a newspaper. It was lying on the table. I started reading an article on the front page. It said: ‘Police are looking for a woman, Catherine. She has been missing from her home for two weeks.’ I looked at the photo. It showed a woman with dark curly hair, she had a round face. I recognized it at once. She was my new neighbor. She had moved in just 2 weeks before.
I was sitting in a cafe where I often go for a drink after work. I called the waiter, who I know quite well. I asked for a cup of coffe and while I was waiting I looked at a newspaper that was lying on the table. I started reading an article on the table, which said : 'Police are looking for a women, Catherin, who has been missing from her home for two weeks.' I looked at the photo, which showed a woman with dark curly hair and a round face. I recognized it at once. She was my neighbor, who had moved in just 2 weeks before.
Rewrite the story using who, which, that, where or and
I was sitting in a cafe where I often go for a drink after work. I called the waiter, who I know quite well. I asked for a cup of coffe and while I was waiting I looked at a newspaper that was lying on the table. I started reading an article on the table, which said : 'Police are looking for a women, Catherin, who has been missing from her home for two weeks.' I looked at the photo, which showed a woman with dark curly hair and a round face. I recognized it at once. She was my neighbor, who had moved in just 2 weeks before.
¿Desde dónde es transmitido el Inglés?
El idioma de inglés es una lengua que surgió en el territorio del Reino Anglosajón de Inglaterra, cuyo origen es germánico occidental y perteneciente a la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas.
Este idioma, a pesar del territorio donde surgió, se extendió hacia el Norte, en el sudeste de Escocia.
Para aprender más sobre gramática en inglés consulte el siguiente enlace: