• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jahirreyes
  • hace 5 años


1. Reescribe la oración completa usando el adverbio entre paréntesis en su posición correcta.

Ejemplo: juego al tenis los domingos. (a menudo)
Respuesta: suelo jugar al tenis los domingos.

1) Escucha la radio. (a menudo)
2) Leen un libro. (a veces)
3) Pete se enoja. (Nunca)
4) Tom es muy amigable. (generalmente)
5) Tomo azúcar en mi café. (a veces)
6) Ramon y Frank tienen hambre. (a menudo)
7) Mi abuela sale a caminar por la noche. (siempre)
8) Walter ayuda a su padre en la cocina. (generalmente)
9) Ven la televisión por la tarde. (Nunca)
10) Christine fuma. (Nunca)

2.- Elige el adverbio de frecuencia que corresponda a cada frase
(escoja el adverbio de frecuencia que le corresponda a cada oración)

a) Carlos es un excelente alumno. Él _________ va a clase.
o siempre
o por lo general
o a veces
o nunca

b) Odio las verduras. Yo _________ como zanahorias.
o siempre
o por lo general
o a veces
o nunca

c) Robert va al gimnasio solo dos o tres veces al año. Él va al gimnasio.
o siempre
o por lo general
o a veces
o nunca

d) Harold nunca sale de la universidad el viernes. ________ come en la cafetería los viernes.
o siempre
o por lo general
o a veces
o nunca

e) La Sra. Biethan siempre está de buen humor. Ella está triste.
o siempre
o por lo general
o a veces
o nunca



1. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct position.

Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often)
Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.

1) He listens to the radio. (often)
2) They read a book. (sometimes)
3) Pete gets angry. (never)
4) Tom is very friendly. (usually)
5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
10) Christine smokes. (never)

2.- Choose the adverb of frequency that corresponds to each sentence
(escoja el adverbio de frecuencia que le corresponda a cada oración)

a) Carlos is an excellent student. He _________ goes to class.
o always
o usually
o sometimes
o never

b) I hate vegetables. I _________ eat carrots.
o always
o usually
o sometimes
o never

c) Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a year. He ________ goes to the gym.
o always
o usually
o sometimes
o never

d) Harold never leaves the college on Friday. He ________ eats at the cafeteria on Fridays.
o always
o usually
o sometimes
o never

e) Ms. Biethan is always in a good mood. She is _________ sad.
o always
o usually
o sometimes
o never


Respuesta dada por: guadalupebarrera466


He listens to the radio.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency often before the main verb listens.

Correct is: He often listens to the radio.

They read a book.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency sometimes before the main verb read.

You can also put sometimes at the beginning of the sentence.

Correct is: They sometimes read a book.

Pete gets angry.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency never before the main verb get.

Correct is: Pete never gets angry.

Tom is very friendly.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency usually after the form of to be is.

Correct is: Tom is usually very friendly.

I take sugar in my coffee.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency sometimes before the main verb takes.

You can also put sometimes at the beginning of the sentence.

Correct is: I sometimes take sugar in my coffee.

Ramon and Frank are hungry.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency often after the form of to be are.

Correct is: Ramon and Frank are often hungry.

My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency always before the main verb goes.

Correct is: My grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening.

Walter helps his father in the kitchen.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency usually before the main verb helps.

Correct is: Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.

They watch TV in the afternoon.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency never before the main verb watch.

Correct is: They never watch TV in the afternoon.

Christine smokes.  CLUEPut the adverb of frequency never before the main verb smokes.

Correct is: Christine never smokes.


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