• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: karenju2000
  • hace 5 años

5. I___________(read) a great book last week.

6. My friends ____________(drop in) for a visit while__________ (watch) TV last night.

7. I___________(see) Andrea at the party last night. She___________(wear) a beautiful dress.

8. The children___________(go) to bed at 9:00 last night. At 10:00, they ___________(sleep).

9. We___________(have) dinner at a new restaurant last night. While we
(eat), one of the waiters___________(drop) a tray on the floor.

10. Monty___________(work) in his garage last night when he (hear) a loud noise. He___________(put) down his tools and (go) outside into the yard. While he___________(look) around, someone___________(run) out of his front door. Monty___________(call) the police. He___________(tell) the police that the robber___________(wear) a black ski jacket and jeans.

11. When Sue___________(arrive) at the theater, her friends___________(wait) for her inside.

12. John___________(break) his leg while he___________(play) football.

13. Mr. Duncan___________(get) home last night while his wife (cook) dinner and the children___________(watch) TV.

14. Paula___________(stay) home yesterday because it___________(snow) very heavily.


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


5. read

6 dropped in - I was watching

7 saw - was wearing

8 went - were sleeping

9 had - were eating - dropped

10 was working - heard - put down - went - was looking - ran - called - told - was wearing

11 arrived - were waiting

12 broke - was playing

13 got - was cooking - were watching

14 stayed home - was snowing


Pasado Simple. Indica hechos pasados.

Pasado Continuo: Indica hechos que comenzaron en el pasado pero se mantuvieron a lo largo del tiempo.

Estructura de Pasado:

Sujeto + Verbo en pasado + Complemento

Estructura de pasado continuo

Sujeto + was o were + Verbo con Ing + Complemento

While - mientras que

When - Cuando

Respuesta dada por: ayaulymmurtaza


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