Hi Pedro, how have you been all these years in Chile? Good and your Mariana, how is your family? You send me greetings and a big hug from me and my family and with time I pass to say hello and have lunch as in the times before bye, well, we see later
Explicación: traducido por si le quieres agregar mas dialogos
Hola Pedro, ¿cómo has estado todos estos años en Chile? Bueno y tu Mariana, como esta tu familia? Me mandas un saludo y un abrazo fuerte de mi parte y de mi familia y con el tiempo me paso a saludar y almorzar como en los tiempos antes adiós, bueno, ya nos vemos después.
*****: Hello
******: I know you from somewhere
*****: In case you don't remember me
******: Well, no
*****: We were friends in fourth and fifth year
******: And how we met
*****: We had to take the test and you didn't have to write
******: I already remembered, but you are unrecognizable that's why I didn't remember who you were .
*****: Well, I'm leaving because I have to go see my mom
******: Okay bye
*****: bye take care