• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: moises9773
  • hace 5 años

Redacte en español e inglés un párrafo de 10 líneas sobre El benéfico de compartir en familia el deporte y recreación


Respuesta dada por: PinillosVilchezdanie


El beneficio de compartir en familia el deporte y recreación es que podemos compartir más momentos juntos y agradables, de esta manera mejoraremos nuestra comunicación y relación en familia, al hacer deporte podremos tener una buena salud y al recrearnos tendremos una buena salud mental, tendremos buenos resultados al estar en familia ya sea practicando deportes o haciendo actividades recreativas.

También es beneficioso porque conoceremos más a nuestra familia y veremos que tan buenos somos en el deporte, podremos relajarnos en familia y divertirnos, que darán muchas anécdotas que en un futuro serán recordadas con mucha alegría.


The benefit of sharing sports and recreation with the family is that we can share more pleasant and together moments, in this way we will improve our communication and family relationship, when doing sports we can have good health and when we recreate we will have good mental health, we will have good results from being with the family, either practicing sports or doing recreational activities.

It is also beneficial because we will get to know our family better and we will see how good we are at sports, we will be able to relax as a family and have fun, which will give many anecdotes that in the future will be remembered with great joy.

Espero te ayude :)

moises9773: Gracias brot
Respuesta dada por: agvr2010viteri


1. Your quality of life improves. Swimming allows you to delay the aging stage; your motor capacity increases, as does your memory, since it requires greater concentration and coordination.

2. Makes you more alert, more balanced, and have a more efficient and faster complex reaction time; wounds take less time to heal.

3. You burn more calories. In the water your muscles work five to six times more than on land.

Swimming increases your muscle mass and tones it; lengthen your muscles and improve your silhouette. An hour of this exercise allows you to burn up to 600 calories.

5. Your body becomes more resistant, since swimming increases the thickness of your bones.

6. Your body acquires greater mobility and elasticity. Swimming allows you to exercise your joints, increases your flexibility and range of motion.

7. Promotes the activity of the cardiorespiratory system.

8. Increases the flexibility of the spine and eliminates pain.

9. Improve your circulation. When you swim, you massage every organ in your body, the blood is activated and you feel better.

10. Swimming relaxes not only the muscles of the body, but also your mind, so your stress decreases considerably.



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