A. Choose the best answer:
Ex: We have classes on weekdays except
a. On Mondays
b. In Mondays
c. The Mondays
1. Many flowers bloom
a. On March or April
b. In March or April
c. at March or April
2. Cristobal Colon sailed from Spain to find a new route to Asia
a. On August 3rd 1942 b. In August 3rd 1942 c. At August 3rd
3. Kings and queens live
a. In huge palaces.
b. On huge palaces
c. At huge palaces
4. Cinderella changed her look and became poor again
a. In the midnight
b. On midnight
c. At midnight
5. The White House is located
a. In Washington, D.C. b. On Washington, D.C. c. At Washington, D.C.
A. I like to have a cup of coffee
a. At the morning
b. In the morning
c. On the morning at
B. In Europe, some people take a shower
a. At night
b. in the night
c. on the nights
Respuesta: ingres
A. Choose the best answer:
Ex: We have classes on weekdays except
a. On Mondays
b. In Mondays
c. The Mondays
1. Many flowers bloom
a. On March or April
b. In March or April
c. at March or April
2. Cristobal Colon sailed from Spain to find a new route to Asia
a. On August 3rd 1942 b. In August 3rd 1942 c. At August 3rd
3. Kings and queens live
a. In huge palaces.
b. On huge palaces
c. At huge palaces
4. Cinderella changed her look and became poor again
a. In the midnight
b. On midnight
c. At midnight
5. The White House is located
a. In Washington, D.C. b. On Washington, D.C. c. At Washington, D.C.
A. I like to have a cup of coffee
a. At the morning
b. In the morning
c. On the morning at
B. In Europe, some people take a shower
a. At night
b. in the night
c. on the nights
A. Elija la mejor respuesta:
Ej .: Tenemos clases de lunes a viernes excepto
a. Los lunes
segundo. En lunes
C. Los lunes
1. Muchas flores florecen
a. En marzo o abril
segundo. En marzo o abril
C. en marzo o abril
2. Cristóbal Colón zarpó de España para encontrar una nueva ruta a Asia
a. El 3 de agosto de 1942 b. El 3 de agosto de 1942 c. Al 3 de agosto
3. Reyes y reinas viven
a. En enormes palacios.
segundo. En enormes palacios
C. En enormes palacios
4. Cenicienta cambió su apariencia y volvió a ser pobre
a. En la medianoche
segundo. A medianoche
C. A la medianoche
5. La Casa Blanca se encuentra
a. En Washington, D.C. b. En Washington, D.C. c. En Washington, D.C.
A. Me gusta tomar una taza de café.
a. En la mañana
segundo. Por la mañana
C. En la mañana a las
B. En Europa, algunas personas se bañan
a. Por la noche
segundo. en la noche
C. en las noches.