• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maetas
  • hace 5 años


1. I didn’t ______________live in this city.
2. We ______________often go on holiday, we didn´t have enough money
3. When I was a child, we ______________have a dog.
4. She ______________work as a teacher for many years.
5. As a student, he never ______________have any money.
6. Did you ______________like playing football at school?
7. There never ______________a coffee shop here.
8. My dad ______________always read to me before bed.


Respuesta dada por: helena2000xy


1. I didn’t use to live in this city.

2. We  would often go on holiday, we didn´t have enough money

3. When I was a child, we  used to have a dog.

4. She used to work as a teacher for many years.

5. As a student, he never would have any money.

6. Did you use to like playing football at school?

7. There never ______________a coffee shop here.

8. My dad would/used to always read to me before bed.

Lo siento, pero la 7 no puedo responderla por algunos motivos. El problema en la 7 es que si pones used to, necesitarías poner el verbo be (ser):

There never used to a coffee shop here.

Nunca solía una tienda de café aquí.

There never used to be a coffee shop here.

Nunca solía haber (en vez de solía haber es hubo, pero lo traducí literalmente) una tienda de café aquí.

Ya sé que traducido no queda muy bien, pero sí está bien escrito (creo).

Luego si uso would,  simplemente ya no tiene nada de sentido:

There never would a coffee shop here.

Ya ni te lo puedo traducir lo siento.

En cambio, si la frase fuera ''There would never be a coffee shop here'' o algo parecido, si tendría más sentido.

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