Respuesta: USE:is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now-es un tiempo verbal que se usa para mostrar que una acción en curso está sucediendo ahora
AUXILIARES:I am talking, eating, learning, doing, going…
he, she, it is talking, eating, learning, doing, going…
you, we, they are talking , eating, learning, doing, going
TIME EXPRECIONS:Present Continuous - Progressive Tense - time expressions. "Now, right now, at present, presently, for the time being, currently, at the moment, at the present, nowadays, this year " are common time expressions used with this tense. We are learning English now. We're watching TV right now (INFORMACION DE GOOGLE PORRQUE NO SABIA COMO EXPLICAR :V)
EXAMPLES :We are discussing the project at the moment
ESTRUCTURE: Subjet+am/is/are+not+verb(ing)+complement
EXAMPLES: She+isn't+ sleeping+at the moment
(madale a decir a tu profesora que que tarea tan aburrida ;v)