• Asignatura: Matemáticas
  • Autor: karensprouse28
  • hace 5 años

aqui esta la información con base a las preguntas

Hello! mi name is kate goncalvez. i'm from atlanta, but my parents are portuguese. they are from the azores. i'm eleven i'm eleven years old, but my favourite number is 7. my phone number is two,nine,five,double six,four,three,double oh and my address is 32 port Rd, boston, USA. i've got a pet: it's a good called Duke. he's a bit crazy, but i like him very much. he's dark brown.
i'm a student at St. mary's school and my favourite subject is P.E because i like sports very much.
bye, kate.

plisss ayuda es para hoy



Respuesta dada por: aleja1850


First name: Kate

surname: Goncalvez

age: eleven Yeats

origin: portugese

nationality: from Atlanta

phone numer: two, nine, five, double six, four, three

adress: 32 port RD, Boston USA

favourite number: 7

favourite subject: P.E physical education

pet: Duke

occupation: student

karensprouse28: gracias
aleja1850: de nada
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