• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: DarkFold
  • hace 5 años

LLena los espacios con Las palabras pero presente continuo (en ingles) Ejemplo:
Michael's phone _IS RINGING__1.(RING) and vibrating in his pocket.

"No, not yet, Cari. We ___all still _________2.(WAIT) for the show to start." Michael ____________3.(SIT) in the third row, waiting to see their son Joe in his very first play. "What _____ you ______4.(DO)?, _____ you _______5.(LEAVE) yet?"

"I _______________6.(FINISH)up some work and then yes."

"Okay, as long as you are hurrying. … Oh, they are pulling up the curtain right now. The show _______________7.(START)."

"Oh good. I _____________8.(LISTEN). I am keeping you on speaker phone."

Michael _____________9.(WHISPER) into the phone now. "Cari, only two actors
____________10.(WALK) onto the stage. Joe ________________(NOT/JOIN) them yet."

"Okay. I______________11.(WAIT). I___________12.(TRY) to be patient." Cari
___________(LAUGH) into the phone. After a few minutes, she is getting impatient. "What is taking so long?"

"Shhh! We _____________13.(TRY) to be quiet, silly! Good job being patient. His part is coming up soon."

"Okay." She is sighing.

"Oh! Here he _________14.(COME)!, ____ you ________15.(HEAR) this? He
___________16.(DO) a great job! He _______________17.(REMEMBER) his lines. He is really enjoying this!"

"Shhh! I am trying to hear him, not you!"

"Okay, sorry. I am just trying to keep you updated. Oh, wow, he is doing something amazing. Oh wow! He is …" An usher is walking down the aisle toward Michael. The usher____________18.(HOLD) a finger up to his lips.

"Uh honey, an usher is shushing me. I______________19.(GET) into trouble. I am hanging up now."

"No! What ____ he ________20.(DO)? Something amazing is happening? What is happening?" No noise is coming from her phone now. She is getting very upset, but at least her son is amazing at something!.


Respuesta dada por: Rantony

2— We are all still waiting for the show to start.

3— Michael is sitting in the third row.

4— What are you doing?,

5— are you leaving yet?

6— I am finishing up some work and then yes.

7— The show is starting.

9— Michael is whispering into the phone now.

10— "Cari, only two actors are walking into the stage. Joe isn't joining them yet.

11— "Okay, I am waiting.

12— I am trying to be patient." Cari is laughing into the phone.

13— "Shhh! We are trying to be quiet, silly!

14— "Oh! Here he comes, are you hearing this?

15— are you hearing this?

16— He is doing a great job!

17— He is remembering his lines.

18— The usher is holding a finger up to his lips.

19— I am getting into trouble.

20— What is he doing?

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