• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: noelia6019
  • hace 5 años

3 Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
1. I thought Harry's party was very Good.
2. Hayley found her cat in the car.
3. Leo met Annie in New York.
4. The girls saw the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
5. She read a lot of books.


Respuesta dada por: crisvanessafrancorin


|3 Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.

1. I not thought Harry's party was very Good.

2. Hayley not found her cat in the car.

3. Leo not met Annie in New York.

4. The girls not saw the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

5. She is not read a lot of books.

Respuesta dada por: sulcapachecomargotci



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