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The history of Spain is a compendium of influences from the different cultures that have inhabited the territory.
The first inhabitants of the peninsula were Celts and Iberians. From this period date the first written records on the Peninsula. It is said that Hispania (the name the Romans knew the Peninsula) is a word of Semitic origin from Hispalis (Sevilla). Since 1100 B.C. And until mid-third century B.C., the commercial and cultural contact with high Mediterranean civilizations come from the hand of Phoenicians and Greeks. At the end of this stage, both civilizations were displaced by Carthaginians and Romans, respectively. The Roman presence in Hispania lasted for seven centuries, during which the basic limits of the Peninsula were set in relation to other European populations. A territorial administration inherited from Rome institutions such as the concept of family, Latin as a language, religion, the right to add ...At the beginning of V century new settlers from the North they settle on the Peninsula: the Visigoths in the interior and the Swabians, west. These Germanic people saw themselves as followers of imperial power off. Integration between Hispanic-Germanic was a quick process, but in northeastern Spain, inhabited by Basques, Cantabrians and Asturians, resistant to both Roman infiltration, as Visigoths and, later, Muslim. The decomposition of the Visigoth state apparatus cause, in the early eighth century, the successive infiltration of Arab and Berber troops across the Strait of Gibraltar. A mid-eighth century Muslims have accomplished the occupation and Cordoba became the center of the flourishing Andalusian state. The Arab presence in Spain last about seven centuries and leave an indelible mark on the Spanish cultural heritage. The small Christian redoubts of the north of the peninsula, after a long period of peaceful coexistence, go to star in the Reconquista, which will culminate with the taking of Granada in 1492 under the reign of the Catholic Kings, traditionally regarded as the forgers of the peninsular unit and the imperial company of the Spanish Renaissance. Also during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, and under its auspices, Columbus discovers the New World (America), new boundary of what will be the largest empire of Occidente.El XVI century represents the zenith of Spanish hegemony in the world, a that will run until mid-XVII.With the Catholic Monarchs, and especially with Felipe II, which is fully set in the sixteenth century was the prototype of modern absolutist state. Felipe V inaugurated the dynasty of the Spanish Bourbons, after the death without descendants of Carlos II, the last of the Habsburgs. The Spanish Enlightenment is characterized as a time of external balance, reform and internal development. The crisis of the ancien regime opened the doors to the Napoleonic invasion. The War of Independence was a war against the French invasion, but it was a revolutionary war for the decisive participation of the people and the clear formation of a national consciousness that would be reflected later in the 1812 Constitution as well.Cortes of Cadiz and promulgated, one of the first constitutions in the world where it is ratified as a basic principle that sovereignty resides in the nation. The conflict between liberals and absolutists, or what is the same, between two ways of understanding the configuration of the State, it will be a constant throughout the nineteenth century Spanish. The brief reign of Amadeo of Savoy, a first republican experience and the subsequent restoration of the monarchy in the figure of Alfonso XII, near Spain at the dawn of the twentieth century with a number of serious unresolved problems that intensify following the definitive loss of the last strongholds of the colonial empire: Cuba and the Philippines.Despite the hiatus of World War I, in which Spain remained neutral and following the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, it replays the monarchical crisis, leading to the exile of King Alfonso XIII. From the polls is born the first Spanish democratic experience in the twentieth century: the Second Republic, ephemeral attempt to undertake major reforms needed by the country and be frustrated its journey through the military uprising of General Franco and the outbreak of the Civil War 1936. the military victory of General Franco opens a long dictatorial period that will last until 1975, and is characterized by a strict internal political control and isolationism in the international arena, which does not prevent an incipient economic development in the early sixty. After the death of General Franco, the Spanish rushing peacefully transition from dictatorship to democracy, a process that is already known as "the Spanish model". Don Juan Carlos I, as King of all Spaniards, becomes the first champion of a social and democratic rule of law, which is reflected in the Constitution of 1978. In 2014 succeeds to the throne by his son, King Philip VI .
The history of Spain is a compendium of influences from the different cultures that have inhabited the territory.
The first inhabitants of the peninsula were Celts and Iberians. From this period date the first written records on the Peninsula. It is said that Hispania (the name the Romans knew the Peninsula) is a word of Semitic origin from Hispalis (Sevilla). Since 1100 B.C. And until mid-third century B.C., the commercial and cultural contact with high Mediterranean civilizations come from the hand of Phoenicians and Greeks. At the end of this stage, both civilizations were displaced by Carthaginians and Romans, respectively. The Roman presence in Hispania lasted for seven centuries, during which the basic limits of the Peninsula were set in relation to other European populations. A territorial administration inherited from Rome institutions such as the concept of family, Latin as a language, religion, the right to add ...At the beginning of V century new settlers from the North they settle on the Peninsula: the Visigoths in the interior and the Swabians, west. These Germanic people saw themselves as followers of imperial power off. Integration between Hispanic-Germanic was a quick process, but in northeastern Spain, inhabited by Basques, Cantabrians and Asturians, resistant to both Roman infiltration, as Visigoths and, later, Muslim. The decomposition of the Visigoth state apparatus cause, in the early eighth century, the successive infiltration of Arab and Berber troops across the Strait of Gibraltar. A mid-eighth century Muslims have accomplished the occupation and Cordoba became the center of the flourishing Andalusian state. The Arab presence in Spain last about seven centuries and leave an indelible mark on the Spanish cultural heritage. The small Christian redoubts of the north of the peninsula, after a long period of peaceful coexistence, go to star in the Reconquista, which will culminate with the taking of Granada in 1492 under the reign of the Catholic Kings, traditionally regarded as the forgers of the peninsular unit and the imperial company of the Spanish Renaissance. Also during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, and under its auspices, Columbus discovers the New World (America), new boundary of what will be the largest empire of Occidente.El XVI century represents the zenith of Spanish hegemony in the world, a that will run until mid-XVII.With the Catholic Monarchs, and especially with Felipe II, which is fully set in the sixteenth century was the prototype of modern absolutist state. Felipe V inaugurated the dynasty of the Spanish Bourbons, after the death without descendants of Carlos II, the last of the Habsburgs. The Spanish Enlightenment is characterized as a time of external balance, reform and internal development. The crisis of the ancien regime opened the doors to the Napoleonic invasion. The War of Independence was a war against the French invasion, but it was a revolutionary war for the decisive participation of the people and the clear formation of a national consciousness that would be reflected later in the 1812 Constitution as well.Cortes of Cadiz and promulgated, one of the first constitutions in the world where it is ratified as a basic principle that sovereignty resides in the nation. The conflict between liberals and absolutists, or what is the same, between two ways of understanding the configuration of the State, it will be a constant throughout the nineteenth century Spanish. The brief reign of Amadeo of Savoy, a first republican experience and the subsequent restoration of the monarchy in the figure of Alfonso XII, near Spain at the dawn of the twentieth century with a number of serious unresolved problems that intensify following the definitive loss of the last strongholds of the colonial empire: Cuba and the Philippines.Despite the hiatus of World War I, in which Spain remained neutral and following the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, it replays the monarchical crisis, leading to the exile of King Alfonso XIII. From the polls is born the first Spanish democratic experience in the twentieth century: the Second Republic, ephemeral attempt to undertake major reforms needed by the country and be frustrated its journey through the military uprising of General Franco and the outbreak of the Civil War 1936. the military victory of General Franco opens a long dictatorial period that will last until 1975, and is characterized by a strict internal political control and isolationism in the international arena, which does not prevent an incipient economic development in the early sixty. After the death of General Franco, the Spanish rushing peacefully transition from dictatorship to democracy, a process that is already known as "the Spanish model". Don Juan Carlos I, as King of all Spaniards, becomes the first champion of a social and democratic rule of law, which is reflected in the Constitution of 1978. In 2014 succeeds to the throne by his son, King Philip VI .
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La historia de España es un compendio de influencias de las diferentes culturas que han habitado el territorio. ... Se dice que Hispania (nombre con que los romanos conocían a la Península) es un vocablo de raíz semita procedente de Hispalis (Sevilla). Desde el año 1100 a.C.
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