TEMA 6 NRO 5 EDDis - TERMINADO - resuelto - parte 1
- appropriate
acceptable or fitting for a particular situation
It is cold here this time of year so make sure you bring appropriate clothing.
- courtesy
sensitivity to others, politeness
Where I come from, it's common courtesy to hold the door for others.
- criticism
negative feedback
I wouldn't want to hear people's opinion about my cooking - I don't take criticism very well!
- customary
accepted, commonly practiced in a certain culture or community
In our family, it is customary to take off your shoes before entering the house.
- express yourself
to be able to explain your feelings to others
I have trouble expressing myself when I get excited.
- fit in
to be accepted as part of a group
I moved to this city two months ago and I still don't feel like I fit in.
- generalization
an overall assumption about something or someone
People tend to make generalizations about certain cultures.
- go overboard
to do a lot more than is necessary
Once people began arriving, we realized we had gone overboard with the food.
- hospitality
generosity by having guests in your home
Your brother never even thanked us for our hospitality before he left!
- immigrant
a person who moves to another country to live
My grandparents were Polish immigrants who came to this country for a better life.
- myth
an ancient story about the history of a certain place or people
There are many myths about how the world began.
- religious beliefs
what a person believes as it relates to God
Even today, people are still persecuted for their religious beliefs.
- stereotype
to make a statement or assumption about a certain group of people that may not be true about every member of that particular group
My parents always taught me not to stereotype people, but to see them as individuals.
- take offense
to feel hurt as a result of something someone did or said
I hope Mary didn't take offense that I didn't invite her to the movie.
- values
a strict set of behaviors and rules a person lives by
I admire your family values.
In my history class we are learning about the early immigrants
who came to America from Eastern Europe. Many of them came to America for a better life and to be able to express their religious beliefs
freely. Before I began learning about the individual stories of these families, I had heard many generalizations. Most of the immigrants eventually adjusted to American life, but still held onto the values
they brought with them from the old country. Unfortunately, even today, many non-immigrants like to stereotype certain groups. I am eager to learn more about this topic throughout the semester.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I have arrived in Paris and I really like the host family I'm staying with! I'd like to get them a gift to thank them for their hospitality so far. Everyone is so nice and I really feel like I'm fitting in here. The food is delicious, but I think that sometimes they go overboard. Did you know it is customary to drink a glass of red wine with every meal?
I really need to work on improving my French. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of a conversation, I still don't feel like I can express myself.
How are things back home?
Write soon!
Judy: Hi, Jason. What are you reading?
Jason: It's this book about ancient Egyptian
myths. I started reading it because I have an Egyptian friend who was telling me about his heritage and some of the ancient stories he grew up hearing.
Judy: Oh, that's interesting. I guess it's appropriate that you're reading a book about it then.
Jason: Honestly, I felt there were many holes in some the stories he was telling me. But I didn't feel I could discuss it with him. I didn't want him to take offense. He also doesn't deal well with criticism in general.
Judy: It is nice that you're doing him the courtesy of researching the topic on your own as opposed to challenging his heritage.
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