• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yamliailin
  • hace 5 años

CAN YOU ask and answer about the future?
Do? Do? They
will do everything!
"1 Look at the cartoon. What does Professor
Bits say robots will do in the future?
(1. Mirá el dibujo. ¿Qué dice el profesor Bits que harán los robots en el futuro?)
(2. Escuchá y leé. Marcá las predicciones del profesor Bits)
Listen and read. Then, tick (✓) the
predictions that Professor Bits makes.
a Robots will clean the house.
b They will talk to humans.
«They won't go to work.
d They will learn things.
e They will replace humans.
Journaisy Hello Professor Bits. What will
robots do in the future?
Professor Do? Do? They will do everything!
Journalst: Will robots clean the house?
Professor: Yes, they will!
Joumaise And will robots go to work?
Hello, Professor Bits.
Professor: Oh yes, they'll go to work.
What will robots do in
Journalist And will they learn things?
the future?
Professor Yes, they will.
Journalsy. Will they replace humans?
Processor: Ah, no, no, they won't.
AoumasBut why, Professor Bits?
Potrer: Because we will need to turn them on!
ownsis Turn them on?
Proteas Yes... watch. Ohhh!
Journalisy Oh dear! Professor Bits? Are you all right?
GRAMMAR IN USE: questions with will
(3. Uni las preguntas con las respuestas)
Match the questions to the answers.
What will humans do?
b Will robots replace us?
c Will robots clean the house?
Will robots do the shopping?
1 Yes, they will.
Yes, they will. / No, they won't
2 They will turn robots on!
3 No, they won't.
4 Write three more questions about
Will... + subject + base form of the verb.
We use ......... in short affirmative answers,
the future. (no se hace)
We use won't. in short negative answers.
5 Ask your questions to other students
and answer theirs. (no se hace)


Respuesta dada por: vikiab04


this difficult friend I don't know what it is, can I ask my dad, he will help you, I hope he helps you, bye, I'll send you a photo now later.

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