• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: edwinchavez367
  • hace 5 años

Como decifro esas palabras:

a. you / passed / exam?/ Have / your.
b. her / talked / Has / to / teacher? / she.
c. spoken / Have / in public? / you.
d. you / Have / won / the / match? / tennis.
e. book?/they/ read / Have / that​


Respuesta dada por: matfija


a. Have you passed your exam?

b. Has she talked to her teacher?

c. Have you spoken in public?

d. Have you won the tennis match?

e. Have they read  that book?


que yo me acuerde primero va el have/has, despues el sujeto y de ahi se ordena la oracion en pregunta

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