• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: geremytablante
  • hace 5 años

oraciones en pasado continuo de practice​


Respuesta dada por: Lloydpower


She was reading the newspaper in the living room when you arrived. ...

You were working very hard yesterday. ...

They were playing in the park. ...

She was doing the work of two people. ...

He was speaking German. ...

The plane was leaving the airport. ...

He was playing in the park. ...

They were selling books there.


El pasado continuo se forma con el verbo auxiliar to be y el gerundio (forma con -ing) del verbo que expresa la acción. Este tiempo verbal suele utilizarse para describir un evento continuado que ocurrió en el pasado. En el siguiente contenido podremos entrar en detalle en los distintos usos del pasado continuo.

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