El domingo estaré Jugando
Read a Travel Magazine arude about. Pietes vacation. Par attention
to the underlined woras that help to connect deas in the order of events
I remember my first trip to the beach with my best friends. A year
go, my friends and I went to Montana Beach to and enjoy out
vacation together. We spent three incredible days there
Ay, we arrived on Friday and began to look for a hotel
we found it, we went to the beach and stuned a fun soc game
we reached the et together, and we shared store
of our lives. we swam in the pool u gor late
we took a tour around the beach and met other teens. We all enjoyed
atmosphere. The way, we decided to stay dhe
beach all day long playing, eating, and swimming-
asang some songs danced and had a great time until the day was
fr was an excellent experience we are never going to forget. I
to repeat the trip again next year
que clase de juego?...