• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: TodZ
  • hace 9 años

7 oraciones con That, These, Those y This cada uno


Respuesta dada por: Julia2002
-That happens when you do bad thinks
-That car is red
-That book is from the library
That stadium was full
What is that ?
You don't know that
-That is not a notebook

-These shoes are very confortable.
These cake are delicious
These are the answers
I use these clothes to work in the garden
Teresa uses these shoes
These chairs are ugly
These books are mine

Those things are cool
Those are your pens
hose are my parents
-Those birds are white
hose are my books
-Those pictures are not mine
Those apples are big

-This is my pencil
This is an interesting book
-This is Mary's notebook
-This is the second time you arrive late
-This is my new car
This is my bicycle
his is an orange
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