• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elisoto1720
  • hace 5 años

completa las oraciones escribiendo la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis:
1. I (not speak) ________ English. I (speak) __________ spanish.
2. my friend alex (study)________ Match. He (like)________ numbers.
3. you (not eat)_______fish. You (eat)_______chicken.
4. My mother (watch)_______a movie. She (love)________cinema.
5. My sister and I (play)________tennis. We (have)________rackets.
6. My parents (go)________to the church. They (pray)_________to god.
7. The dog (not sleep)_______at night. It (bark)_________at the moon.
traduce a español


Respuesta dada por: yanielcaceres


1) i don't speak English , i do speak spanish

2) My friend Alex does study maths, he does like numbers

3) You don't eat fish , You do eat fish

4)My mom does whatch a movie ,she does love cinema

5)My sister and i we do play , we do have rackets

6)My parents does go to the Church , they does pray to god

7) the dog doesn't sleep at night , it does bark at the moon


usamos do en los prononmbres , i , we, they , you

y does con los prononmbres he , she , it

elisoto1720: gracias
yanielcaceres: de nada ⚡
elisoto1720: :)
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