• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: morag8172
  • hace 5 años

¿Alguien me puedo ayudar con la pronunciación de un texto en ingles?


Respuesta dada por: angelitocg271105


cual pronunciación??

Respuesta dada por: kadrinRous


yo te ayudo cual es texto

morag8172: Kimberly Young, clinical director of the Centre for Internet Addiction Recovery and author of the book Caught in the Net, says that about 5% to 10% of Americans – 15 to 30 million people – may suffer from Internet addiction and the problem may be even greater in countries like China, Korea and Taiwan. It’s a global problem.
morag8172: Coleen Moore, coordinator of resource development at the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, says she has clients from college age to early adulthood who spend 14 to 18 hours a day online. But Young notes that it’s not just how long people spend using a computer; it’s what they’re doing online.
morag8172: To help people with their diagnosis, Young developed a test that uses a 20-question survey to measure levels of Internet addiction. “There are no real drugs for this yet,” she says. “It’s not about medication, it’s more about therapy.”
morag8172: The estimated recovery time varies. At the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, some patients need 30 to 90 days of in-patient treatment, followed by a continuing care program. But Internet addiction recovery, like any other addiction, requires lifelong treatment, experts say.
morag8172: Online gaming is the form of Internet addiction most rapidly growing among young people. “Initially we primarily had people addicted to surfing the Web, chat rooms, virtual communities and things like that. Now we are looking more to gaming,” Moore says. “Gaming is certainly one of the things that could get people addicted to the Internet, because it has such compelling content.
morag8172: But I don’t think games are any more likely to cause Internet addiction than any of the other forms of entertainment”.
kadrinRous: da internet is whert si ispind mor and of our taim . bat for a gruwint namber of pipol, It is an out of controrl jabit dat inferis wait nurmal living and causa siviri istres on FAMILY , friends, lov ons and work
kadrinRous: Kimberly young, clínicas dirrectour of da center for internet addiction recovery and eutor of da buk caug un da net, say dat about 5% tu 10% of americans 14 tu 30 milion pipol mey safer from internet addiction and da problem mey bu ivin griter in
kadrinRous: countris
morag8172: Aun falta :(
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